
Netflix 的經典影集「勇敢的安妮」,雖然已確定沒有第四季,不過一二三季成功擄獲不少觀眾的心。當中也不少經典台詞跟名言值得一再回味,就讓我們來回顧一下吧!奶茶把中英文都提供給大家,很多蠻值得銘記在心的台詞!延伸閱讀: [來一推勇敢的安妮]雖然編劇用女權、黑人、印地安人、LGBT、階級等議題犧牲了吉伯特?分析影集與原著不同之好與壞!





I reckon every new idea was modern once. Until it wasn’t.

I like to think that...that one fine day, it won’t matter a whit to you what anybody says sideways.

I just have to remember what Jane Eyre said. ”Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs.”

Emotion is rarely convenient and often intolerable, but I find, at the moment, that I don’t mind it.



Grief is confusing.
Grief is the price you pay for love, you see.

To live a life with no regrets.


Sometimes, you just have to let people love you, Marilla.

And I’d sure give my last bit of strength or my last dollar to help a friend. And I know that friend would feel grateful and loved above all else.



All we can do is our best,Marilla, regardless of what we know or don’t know.


I believe there’s always a bit of good in any situation, even a bad one.
I think it builds character.

What I’m saying is, there is no straight path in art or life. Sometimes there’s no path at all and one must break down walls and machete their way through the woods to get where they need to go.




If your aunt lived her life feeling something was wrong with her, that she was...broken, defective, or unnatural...then one day, she met someone that made her realize that wasn’t true, there was nothing wrong with her, and she was...fine...shouldn’t we be happy for her?


1They will think of it what that will. Doesn’t it just take the ending of someone’s life to teach you that life is short and you only have one?


And I was sore afraid of the change...that might come. But I learned the hard way...that the more I held her back, the less I was included. By denying her mature needs and       wants...I ran the risk of losing her altogether.


You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater.

I think I learned some things about love, too. It doesn’t look the same for everyone. It can come in so many forms. And how can there be anything wrong with a life if it’s spent with a person you love?

Don’t disparage her when you don’t even know her.






You are exceptional. You deserve so much more than...being settled for. Please don’t for a minute think that you deserve anything less than a loving partner whose heart and gaze are unwavering.


1The quest for perpetual happiness. It is absolutely unreasonable to expect to be happy all the time. Frankly, it’s neither possible, nor realistic. You can’t know joy...unless you’ve known sorrow.


Those of us who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths.







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